She sleeps where she blends!

Diane is our comedian, she is constantly making us laugh, she weighs about twelve pounds, thirteen inches long, and she is about eleven inches from the ground  to the top of her shoulder blade.  Diane is a Parti pup, which is a kind of varient from the classic Schnauzer.  She is the younger of our two by almost a year.  

Just a little baby girl here!

Diane is all about the fun, she loves to play fetch and tug on a rope.  She is very hyper one time of the day, and that is when her daddy comes home, fifteen minutes later she is usually napping.  Diane is a talker as we like to call her.  She moans a lot when you pet her or when you bathe her or when you come home and show her affection, truly hysterical. 

All grown up

Diane is the sweetest dog i have ever known.  She always wants to be held and she makes little winy noises when you pet her belly.  We call her our little music box.  